Il n'y a aucune une telle chose comme un destin absolu, le Verseau. Vous pouvez confrontés à certaines difficultés ... vous pouvez rencontrer une certaine quantité de bonheur ... vous pouvez rencontrer certaines personnes. Mais ce que vous faites avec ce que vous rencontrez dans votre vie est vraiment à vous. Ne pas adhérer à une vision fataliste. Vous avez beaucoup plus de pouvoir que vous réalisez. Prenez ce que la vie vous tend et le transformer en ce que vous voulez qu'il soit. Avec la créativité, l'enthousiasme et une vision heureuse, vous pouvez faire aujourd'hui magique.
Subject: Aquarius
There is no such thing as absolute destiny, Aquarius. You may face certain challenges... you may experience a certain amount of good fortune... you may meet certain people. But what you do with what you encounter in your life is really up to you. Don't adhere to a fatalistic outlook. You have much more power than you realize. Take what life hands you and transform it into what you want it to be. With creativity, enthusiasm, and a happy outlook, you can make magic today.
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There is power behind the 4 letter name PAUL. I used to think my name was so boring. I was named buy my aunt. Little did she know the name Paul was very befitting for me. Paul was a very important figure in the Bible. He secretly reminds me of myself, because he was a speaker, and fought for what's right for starters. Although in the beginning he was very evil going by the name of "Saul of Tarsus". As I digress. The name that I thought was once boring is actually very powerful, and fits me.
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