If you have a fantasy about starting your own business, this is the perfect time to begin exploring the next steps. You are a very efficient, imaginative, hard-working, and productive individual, and you would make a great entrepreneur. You may not know how to begin, but if you start doing some research and reaching out to others who might be of assistance you will get the green light from the universe. Don't let concerns such as start-up money or generating income trample your idea. You can begin to build a new business slowly while earning a paycheck at a regular job. Give it a try.
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There is power behind the 4 letter name PAUL. I used to think my name was so boring. I was named buy my aunt. Little did she know the name Paul was very befitting for me. Paul was a very important figure in the Bible. He secretly reminds me of myself, because he was a speaker, and fought for what's right for starters. Although in the beginning he was very evil going by the name of "Saul of Tarsus". As I digress. The name that I thought was once boring is actually very powerful, and fits me.
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