Don't rely on body language or other non-verbal actions to figure out someone's true meaning today. You may think you can understand all the signs, read between the lines, and generally figure out what someone is trying to say to you. But there is a great deal of confusion fogging up your world today, Aquarius. You can't trust yourself to interpret what someone is saying indirectly, nor can you trust that the person in question is clearly communicating. In a day or two, this fog will lift and everything will become clear. Meanwhile, don't worry, everything's okay.
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There is power behind the 4 letter name PAUL. I used to think my name was so boring. I was named buy my aunt. Little did she know the name Paul was very befitting for me. Paul was a very important figure in the Bible. He secretly reminds me of myself, because he was a speaker, and fought for what's right for starters. Although in the beginning he was very evil going by the name of "Saul of Tarsus". As I digress. The name that I thought was once boring is actually very powerful, and fits me.
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