Healthy Lifestyle Tip: A Nibble Here, a Bite There
Snacking may seem harmless, but it can pad your waistline with a surprising number of sneaky calories. While dining out, you proudly resist the breadbasket, order the grilled chicken, and opt for fruit salad instead of cake for dessert ... but then steal a bite of your husband's pie, just for a taste. Sound familiar? Turns out, those teeny nibbles can really add up.
Of the 200 or so eating decisions we make every day, many fall into the "mindless margin," or that 100-ish calorie area where you could over- or under-eat without impacting whether you feel full or hungry, according to Brian Wansink, Ph.D, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab in Ithaca, NY, author, Mindless Eating. Eating 100 extra calories every day can lead to a 10-pound weight gain over the course of a year.
Disarm your cravings with the 5 Ds:
Delay—wait 10 minutes
Distract—concentrate on something else
Distance—do not keep temptation on hand; make yourself leave your environment to get the food
Determine—think about how much you really want it
Decide—know how much to eat; if you choose to eat something you crave, remember to enjoy it
There is power behind the 4 letter name PAUL. I used to think my name was so boring. I was named buy my aunt. Little did she know the name Paul was very befitting for me. Paul was a very important figure in the Bible. He secretly reminds me of myself, because he was a speaker, and fought for what's right for starters. Although in the beginning he was very evil going by the name of "Saul of Tarsus". As I digress. The name that I thought was once boring is actually very powerful, and fits me.
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